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Lockdown Limerick Challenge - NOW CLOSED - Winners announced soon


NOW CLOSED: to see the 133 entries and winners please go to


**UPDATE - Michael Palin has kindly agreed to send a signed copy of his limerick book for the winner**

Surely everybody loves a good limerick, don't they? We've tried a few. They might not be very good, but it was fun trying! (**Scroll down to see some of our attempts** And do let us know what you think!)

Well, here at, we thought we would challenge you to write a limerick about lockdown life, or something associated with it.

To Enter

Go to the Lockdown Limerick Challenge post on the @PepUpTheDay Facebook page and add your limerick. You could upload a video of you performing it if you prefer! Or email it to us at

Some people are already sending us multiple limericks, which really is fantastic!

It might be funny, serious, political, satirical or something just "ouch" about lockdown and life at the moment. Write what you want and enter multiple times.

If you want to enter confidentially, email us your entry to, and we will post it for you.

The Prize

The limerick that we like the most will win a signed hardback copy of "A Sackful of Limericks" by Michael Palin and a hand-knitted Clanger soft-toy of your choice, made by ChunkiChilli.

Michael gives some tips in the intro to his book and some ideas to work on here.

We contacted Michael Palin and asked if he would like to give a signed copy of his book as a prize and we are super chuffed that he has said yes! Thank you Michael!

(In case, you don't know, Michael Palin has narrated the latest series of The Clangers and talks about it here.)

Michael Palin



The Winner

The winner will be chosen by our team at PepUpTheDay on  Monday 15th of June 2020, so do enter before then, please.

And the prize and winner are non-negotiable. We will just choose the one we like the most!


Our attempts at the Lockdown Limerick Challenge - what do you think?

There was a young barber from Bath,
Who wanted a bit of a laugh.
Post lockdown, a trim
Delivered by him...
You needed your granny’s headscarf!


There once was a Dorchester gnome,
Who decided to go for a roam.
When he tried to go out,
The neighbours would shout,
‘You must do all your roaming at home'


When experts were all using Zoom,
they needed to tidy their room.
We’d take cheeky looks
at all of their books,
as they told us their tales of doom.


I just want to go to the pub
To eat all that tasty hot grub.
I’ll drink all the gins
Count fruit machine wins
And ask all my friends for a hug

So now it is down to you to give it a go!


Click here to go to Facebook and add your Lockdown Limerick Challenge entry

More details about Lockdown Limerick Challenge - NOW CLOSED - Winners announced soon (External Link)

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