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Launch of #Chelt300 and phone box art installations on The Promenade - VIDEO



Cheltenham’s spa waters were first discovered three hundred years ago in 1716. Taking Cheltenham’s history since then as its theme, the new exhibition, which opens on 16th May and runs until the autumn, features life-size images of some of the characters who put Cheltenham on the map, from George III, whose visit in 1788 made Cheltenham’s fortunes as a spa to Dorothea Beale, Principal of the Cheltenham Ladies College and pioneer in women’s education.  Other well-known individuals featuring in the exhibition will include polar explorer, Edward Wilson, champion jockey Fred Archer and Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones, who was born in Cheltenham and whose funeral took place round the corner at St Mary’s church.

The boxes will also celebrate less famous people who were nevertheless well-known in Cheltenham, from Mrs Forty and Mrs Rous, who operated the well in the eighteenth century to one-eyed fruit seller ‘Mary Black Hat’. The boxes will also feature a hashtag, #Chelt300, inviting passers-by to take to social media and offer their own suggestions about which of its former citizens the people of Cheltenham should be celebrating today.

‘Cheltenham 300’ forms part of a wider tourism campaign over the summer months drawing visitors and shoppers in to enjoy public art and all the town has to offer.

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