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Try your first 4 SimplyCook recipes for Free

Cook new and exciting meals

Choose 4 new & exciting recipes to cook with your Free box now (just pay £1 postage)


Try your first 4 SimplyCook recipes for Free


Cook incredible meals from scratch, whenever you want to with SimplyCook.

You want to enjoy mealtimes, but get bored with cooking the same old recipes on repeat. Cooking something new from scratch feels like a lot of hassle, and could go wrong. And who has the time on a weeknight?

SimplyCook gives you the inspiration to cook new meals on your terms. They post flavour kits and 20 minute recipes through your letterbox. You provide a few fresh ingredients to complete each recipe.


Try your first 4 SimplyCook recipes for Free


So, whenever you want to cook something new, just grab a flavour kit. All you need is 20 minutes and a few ingredients from your fridge. Who knew it was this easy to cook a midweek show-stopper?

SimplyCook gives you the freedom to cook amazing meals on your terms. They're confident you'll love cooking their range of 140+ recipes from around the world. So, you can try your first 4 recipes for free (just pay £1 postage).





Click HERE to Try SimplyCook for Free



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