Contact Information:
Open For Business
Gloucestershire Businesses that are open
and waiting for your custom...
Email: info@gloscounselling.org.uk
Website: Click Here
The aim is to make this a comprehensive list of businesses that are open for business in Gloucesteshire.
If you would like to feature on this list, please upload your details here.
Tell us who you are and what services you are currently offering, as well as sending a photo or logo.
Gloucestershire Counselling Service
Gloucestershire Counselling Service offers affordable counselling to individuals, young people, families and organisations throughout the community on-line and over the telephone.
It also offers free on-line open days for anyone wanting to find out about training to be a counsellor or developing their listening skills.
GCS is the largest counselling training organisation in the county, outside of the NHS, and offers a wide range of courses from introductory level if you want to develop your capacity to listen, right through to Diploma level enabling you to work professionally as a Counsellor. There are also career opportunities to join our counselling service as a counsellor or trainer once qualified.
We offer free consultations to discuss your training needs and questions with no obligation to join us as well as a series of free events through this summer conducted on-line. Please note if lockdown persists all our training will continue on-line with no disruption to your training and career development. To contact us regarding training please email Training.Bookings@gloscounselling.org.uk
For more information about counselling please click on the link below or email us on info@gloscounselling.org.uk
Emma Griffiths, CEO of the Gloucestershire Counselling Service
More details about Gloucestershire Counselling Service (External Link)
Open For Business
The aim is to make this a comprehensive list of businesses that are open for business in Gloucesteshire.
If you would like to feature on this list, please upload your details here.
Tell us who you are and what services you are currently offering, as well as sending a photo or logo.
See all listings from Open For Business
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