Medieval Pets


Dates: 22/06/2024

Venue: Old Baptist Chapel

Pampered pooches, cossetted cats, spoiled squirrels and mollycoddled monkeys? Discover the fascinating world of people and their pets (familiar and exotic) in the Middle Ages.

This talk explores who kept pets, how they were obtained, costs, pets and the law, housing, feeding and what happened if your beloved pet became ill. Plus their role as companions, and how they were represented in memorials to their owners.

SPEAKER: John Putley

DATE AND TIME: Saturday 22nd June, 11am
Talk lasts approximately 45 minutes followed by Q&A

TICKETS: Adults: £7.00, Concessions: £5.50, Children: £3.00
Ticket includes entry to the John Moore Museum and Merchant’s House


More details about Medieval Pets (External Link)


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