Contact Information:
The Cheltenham Trust
The Cheltenham Trust
Cheltenham Town Hall
Imperial Square
GL50 1QA
Tel: 0844 576 2210
Website: Click Here
Community Event For D Day - wartime tea-room
Sunday 9 June 2024, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Community Event For D Day
Pittville Pump Room
The Heritage Café will transform into a wartime tea-room for the afternoon, serving afternoon tea accompanied by live music from vintage singer Miss Em and DJ Rob McElvanney and dancing from the era, a display of vintage cars and military jeeps, and dances from the 1940s. Children and adults are invited to come dressed in the style of the 1940s, an award will be presented for the best dressed of the era, during the event.
The trust is commemorating this landmark anniversary with the lighting of a beacon at Pittville Pump Room on Thursday 6 June – you can view this on social media @OfficialPittvillePumpRoom
Click here for more information
More details about Community Event For D Day - wartime tea-room (External Link)
The Cheltenham Trust
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