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We Will Rock You young@part By Roses Young Creatives


12 – 13 JULY 2024

We Will Rock You
About We Will Rock You young@part
Check out the rock and roll superstars of the future at The Roses, this summer!
Following the success of RYC’s first production of Matilda Jr last year, we are thrilled to announce their upcoming production of We Will Rock You.

If you have a young rockstar at home, you can join RYC and take part in the show by signing up to a free taster session by emailing getcreative@rosestheatre.org


Click here for more information

More details about We Will Rock You young@part By Roses Young Creatives (External Link)


Roses Theatre

The Roses is a 370 seat theatre within a busy and popular arts centre in Tewkesbury. It has an eclectic programme of live events, take part activities, exhibitions and festivals. 

See all listings from Roses Theatre

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